Steaming mad about a product or service? As a consumer, it is not unusual for the experience (and out) a possible problem with the products we buy or services we receive. But if you're ready to rip someone's head or a severe tongue lashing, you might want to reconsider. Giving the employee or the store manager a piece of your mind, you can feel better, but can not gain the desired results o.
Suppliers of products and services to understand that consumers expect toget products that work and the service they deserve their support. Most companies have established guidelines to address the problems of consumers unhappy. These problems can be solved quickly, speaking with a representative of society in general. However, if you tried to solve the problem without success, you can take time to another level: the written complaint.
For some reason, companies seem to written complaints more seriously. But unless they hop mad, most ofPeople do not have time to write a letter. The possibility of resolving the dispute, written notice will serve as the repository of the problem and your efforts to find a solution. It can also serve the company or organization that is a recurring problem in a particular place or receive a single worker or a product.
6 Tips for writing a letter that will get the results:
1. Get a name
The idea is to make reference to your letter to the right person, someone (whothe power to do something about it) as soon as possible. Send your complaint to the wrong person or address of the letter in general terms the "Complaint Department" may delay the resolution and to introduce additional frustration. In a brief telephone call to the number of company service you can get the name and address, which you need.
2. Kill Them With Kindness
As angry as the situation may be, it is important to recognize that the companies that responded are more likely topositive and even go beyond the call of duty (eg coupon), if the committee believes that the letter was a civil and professional tone. A letter inviting the company or its employees from any name in the book, not even help your case, and indeed may only serve to insult her.
3. Just The Facts
The problem should be clearly indicated. Only enter information that is relevant to the complaint - what has caused it, was committed to the place, date and time;Steps you took to try to resolve it, and have the names of employees, information about the problem. Do not tell them that your brother-in-law Bob, had a problem with the Department of garden five years ago, because it is not on this specific case.
4. The proof is in the paperwork
Include copies of all relevant documentation that you may have, including: receipts, contracts, service agreements and warranties. You should also copies of all previousCorrespondence, must be sent or received by us in relation to the problem. All original documents until the problem has been resolved to your satisfaction Store.
5. Be reasonable
Requests should be reasonable and clearly stated in the letter. Since each situation is unique rules, there are fixed on what you expect in the form of a resolution. In general it is safe for what they think is fair to ask. The request for a full refund ofPurchase price and a free trip to Maui, has become a question that is not expected to encounter.
6. Bring the troops
There are several regulatory bodies and organizations to consumers in a bid to resolve litigation support. Some organizations have focused efforts on specific products or services, such as cars or homes. A quick Internet search using key words such as "consumer complaint" or "consumer" is dedicated to a number of useful websites. Since most companies andOrganizations are willing to travel up to some length to keep the consumer happy, to ask the troops is not usually necessary. Depending on the nature of the problem, you can in your letter that will send a copy of the Better Business Bureau or other appropriate body. May be better, however, the company has the ability to resolve them before calling the troops.
Consumer Resources
If the appeal letter that you do not receive a response or if the resultsfor your pleasure, rest assured that there are options for resolution outside the company or organization.
Better Business Bureau -
The BBB has 145 offices in the United States and Canada. Consumers can file a complaint online or at local office. The website allows consumers to access the company reports, tips and statistics.
Bureau of Consumer Protection - http://www.ftc. Gov / bcp / index.shtml
Bureau of the Federal Trade CommissionConsumer exists to protect consumers against unfair practices, misleading and fraudulent. Complaints may be submitted on-line, or the Federal Trade Commission CRC-240, Washington, DC 20580 sent
Attorney General
Each office has a department of attorney general consumer protection in place and many that will allow consumers to file a complaint online.
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